Let’s Buy A House?

Australia, what a beautiful country.

While buying property in the big cities is horendously expensive it’s once again and always way out of reach for the average blo.

Our plan to battle this problem is to go rural.

Our plan is to buy land and houses in rural areas of Australia. Rural areas with mainstream universities, rural areas with airports.

Between 8 parties we can purchase around AUD$500,000.00 worth of properties at a cost of around HKD$325,000.00 each.

This is a great investment opportunity for anyone wanting to get into the property market but not sure how to get into the property market.

What kind of Poeple Are We Looking For

The busisness of buying, owning and renting out a house in another country is probably not in the busisness spectrum of many people. 

In order to make sure the houses will generate revenue, be profitable and make the owners look like legends we have to select the right people to own the properties.

About The Owners

  • To be selected as an owner you must be able to bring busisness to the properties. People with wider social connections and larger network connections would be desirable. By this way you can give “mates rates” to the people in your network and make them feel more secure that they are being taken care of by a friend and supporting a friend within their own network.  
  • We look at this as a recreational investment, meaning the people investing should be financially stable enough that the investment amount won’t bear a heavy financial burden on the investors. This way it can remain fun and stable without weighing heavily on the mind of the investors to meet certain financial goals or results.

What Are The Initial & Ongoing Costs

We are looking to buy some properties at around the AUD$500,000.00 mark. 

The plan would be to have all preliminary  costs pre-paid such as taxes, insurance, inspection fees, etc.  The break down would be as follows.

  • Government costs per year HKD$0,000.000.
  • Insurance costs per year HKD$0,000.00
  • Minatance per year HKD$0,000.00
  • Promotional costs per year HKD$0,000.00
  • Any legal costs for licence transfer or stamp duties HKD$0,000.00

With all these costs put together and multiplied into a 3 year block we have a total 3 year project cost of HKD$000,000.00

Split equally by 8 investors = HKD$00,000.00 each.

You now own a property in Australia!!!

Who Is Responsible For What

All parties involved will be responsible for trying to rent out the properties to their network. 

The BBL director is an Australian citizen and will be the main signitor of the properties for all purposes. This will help reduce many of the taxes incured in buying property in Australia from overseas investors.

BBL will take the responsibility to procure the best insurance and maintainence deals and will be agreed upon by all parties.

Depending on the investing parties, responsibilities for the investing of incomings from renting out the properties will be handled by one of the investing parties to be agreed upon by all parties.

What Happens After 3 Years

Since we have been talking about a 3 year block investment the plan for the ending of one 3 year and the succession into the next block will pertain mostly of the following points.

All incomes that we recieved by the renting of the premises will be entered into an investment account to continue to accumulate. At the end of the 3 years block that account can be drained and divided between all investors and we start a new investment accounts for the next 3 years.

If all parties agree then the investment account can be maintained and left to continue to accumulate for another 3 years.

If by chance any investor wants to get out of owning the properties at the end of the 3 years block, he can select to sell his share in the properties to one of the other investors with BBL having the first option to buy. At this time the investment account will be drained and divided between all investors and a new investment account will be started for the next 3 year block.

The price of selling your share of the properties will be based on the price of the purchase of the properties.